Tag Archive for: Cashierless Technology

Frequently Asked Questions on Cashierless Technology

Frequently asked Cashierless Questions

What is a cashierless checkout? Cashierless checkout is a retail technology that allows customers to purchase goods in physical stores without the need for a cashier. This is typically achieved by using computer vision, sensors, and other technologies…
Rewe goes Cashierlss in Germany

Trigo continues to help Rewe revolutionize the shopping experience

In the retail industry, many companies are trying to shake up the way shoppers shop. Whether it’s Amazon challenging traditional brick-and-mortar stores or Walmart and Target fighting for the supremacy in eCommerce - it’s a battle that will…
Are cashierless stores growing too slow?

Why Are There Not More Cashierless Stores? What Are the Limiting Factors?

You’re done shopping and want to check out. Now you must wait your turn in a long line to complete payment. Every shopper can understand this experience. The emergence of cashierless stores has redefined how people shop. The idea of a cashierless…
Amazon Go and its pioneering work in the Cashierless Sector

Amazon Go – the cashierless pioneer

"If you double the number of experiments you do per year you’re going to double your inventiveness." – Jeff Bezos What started as a big experiment in 2015, nowadays is cashierless experience at its best. Several Amazon executives conceptualized…
Zliide an RFID Alternative helping Retailers going Cashierless

Zliide, an Upgrade for RFID?

With the rise of E-commerce business, online fashion retailers are taking over the market shares from brick-and-mortar stores. To keep up with the competition, the stores use every measurement to offer customers a better shopping experience.…
Yoti Cashierless Age Verification

The Age Puzzle – Solved by YOTI

How old are you? In the last two years, the expansion of Cashierless technology has speeded up. In many retail chains all over the world, customers can experience this new seamless shopping experience. It usually runs like this: You scan your…
Convenience Bee China

The Success Story of Convenience Bee – Cashierless convenience store in China

The big Tech Players China’s technology development has raised much awareness in recent years. Big tech icons like Taobao, Tencent, or JD had their fair share in the market. They have been very experimental with opening Cashierless stores.…

3 Must-haves for a Seamless Cashierless Experience

The concept of a Cashierless store is nothing new to the customers nowadays. We have seen or at least heard of many pilot shops like Amazon Go in U.S., Bingo Box in China, and even some fashion retailers are testing the water. While some start…
Cashierless Fashion Retail on the rise

Fashion Retail Goes Cashierless

When talking about Cashierless Technology, what do we think about first? Amazon Go will be the most popular answer. However, the Supermarket is not the only industry, which adopts the advanced technology. Fashion Retailers are catching up. Big…